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Out with the old, in with the new

2018 - A new year, A new you. I've never been such a fan of saying that, a new year to some people is just a change of date, to some people it's beginning a fresh start and to some people it's leaving everything in the past and growing from it. Some people spend it differently also, many people party and barely see the new year into itself, some people spend it with close friends and family gathered around the TV watching the fireworks and others spend it alone, sometimes by choice, sometimes not.

Every new year I think to myself, what would I like to change? What would I like to see myself accomplish and be happy with? What would I have done differently last year? I'm not one for resolutions as let's be honest, they get broken within the week or 2. I'm one for looking into the future and just simply building a goal. Goals can fluctuate and change depending on circumstances at the time, a resolution gets broken if it has to change.

Goals in the new year offer room for improvement, offer freedom to change and offer less stress. I'm going to write my goals for 2018 here and hope you gain some inspiration from them!

- Work until your butt hurts.

- Read more.

- Travel (when possible).

- Go to festivals.

- Focus your mind.

- Work on that body!

- Find what entices you.

- Start writing more, Book, Blog, Poems.

- Work on my makeup skills.

- Sing louder and often.

- Get more tattoos.

- Get a portfolio started, Model, Dance, Fashion, Beauty.


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